An "AU" or "Alternate Universe" is a story in which something (or many things)
transpired differently than they did in the 'reality' of the television series
or other fictional work from which the AU characters are drawn. Note that an
AU is different bird entirely from a "Mirror Universe" in which the setting
generally remains the same as in the 'reality' of the fictional work from which
it was taken, but the basic nature of the character is in some way altered (usually
in a negative fashion), either in personality or physical being.
Many of these works are co-authored with Julia Blackshear Kosatka
Title of work: Crossroads
Author: Kellie Matthews
Format: Crossover/Novella
Year Written: 2001
Fanfic? Yes: Buried on Sunday and Masterminds
Is it archived? Yes, at:
WebTV users go here:
Brief synopsis: A highly unlikely meeting of minds. Gus Knickel (Buried on Sunday) and Ollie (Masterminds) find they have a lot in common beneath the surface, and a road trip becomes a journey of disovery. This is a PG/CKR role/role pairing.
Warning: NC-17. Contains graphic sexuality (M/M).
NOTE: this story is aproximately 445 KB
(webposted on
Title of work: Shadows Fade
Author: Kellie Matthews & AuKestrel
Format: Novella/Crossover/AU
Year Written: 2000
Fanfic? yes, series: Hard Core Logo
and Tales of the City
Is it archived? Yes, in:
Brief synopsis: A Tales of the City &
Hard Core Logo Crossover (with a cameo mention of due South) and a sequel to "Northern Comfort." Billy Tallent teams up with a lawyer in San Francisco to work on his custody case, and gets a lot more than he bargained for.
Warning: NC-17. Contains
graphic sexuality (M/M).
this story is aproximately 700 KB (No we can't shut up, why do you ask?).
(webposted on
Title of work: Somewhere Else to Be
Author: Kellie Matthews
Format: Novella/AU
Year Written: 2000
Fanfic? yes, series: Due
Is it archived? Yes, at:
and in The Due South Archive at:
Brief synopsis: This is an Alternate Universe.
(BF/RK) Fraser's not a Mountie, Ray's not a cop, but as someone once said,
things once linked remain that way. In any universe, they are meant to be
Rated NC17 for m/m intimacy ("That
means 'sex' in Fraserspeak." "Thank you Ray.")
NOTE: this story is aproximately
440 KB. (webposted on 3/08/2000)
Title of work: No Secrets
Author: Kellie Matthews
Format: Short Story/Erotica/Crossover
Year Written: 1999
Fanfic? yes, series: Due
South and Hard Core Logo
Is it archived? Yes,
Also available in The Due South Archive at:
Brief synopsis: A Due South & Hard Core
Logo Crossover and a sequel to "Northern Comfort." Fraser finds that
after his experiences with Billy Tallent, he can no longer sublimate his
feelings for Ray K., but he doesn't believe those feelings will be
Warning: NC-17. Contains
graphic sexuality (M/M).
this story is aproximately 290 KB. (webposted on
Title of work: Northern Comfort Author: Kellie Matthews Format: Short Story/Erotica/Crossover Year Written: 1999 Fanfic? yes, series: Due South and Hard Core Logo Is it archived? Yes, Also available in The Due South Archive at: Brief synopsis: A Due South & Hard Core Logo Crossover. What happens when Billy Tallent and Benton Fraser collide when they're both at a low ebb in their lives, or think they are. Warning: NC-17. Contains graphic sexuality (M/M). NOTE: this story is aproximately 250 KB. (webposted on 9/2/99) 7/11/00 There is now a non-DS sequel to this story, featuring Billy Tallent & Brian Hawkins of Tales of the City (still a CKR/PG role/role pairing) see the "Shadows Fade" listing for the link. |
![]() Graphic 'cover' for the story, graciously created by Strwriter |
Title of work: The Catch (The Fishing
Series, #2) ***
Title of work:
The One That Got Away
(The Fishing Series,
Author: Kellie Matthews
Format: Short Story/Erotica/Crossover
Year Written: 1999
Fanfic? yes, series: Due
South & Highlander: The Series
Is it archived? Yes, at:
Brief synopsis: Amanda retuns to Chicago to find a
stranger wearing Ray Vecchio's name and Benton Fraser in need of
Warning: NC-17. Contains graphic
sexuality (M/M).
NOTE: this
story is aproximately 176 KB. (webposted on
Author: Kellie Matthews & Julia Blackshear Kosatka
Format: Novella/Erotica/Crossover
Year Written: 1999
Fanfic? yes, series: Due
South & Highlander: The Series
Is it archived? Yes, at:
Brief synopsis: Amanda goes to Chicago to do a
little light 'lifting' and encounters a small difficulty in the persons of
Benton Fraser and Ray Vecchio. During the chaos that follows, a
Quickening with unusual side effects has some unexpected results.
Warning: NC-17. Contains graphic polyamorous sexuality
(M/M/F ).
NOTE: this story is
aproximately 358 KB. (webposted on
Title of work: It's a Dog's Life
Author: Kellie Matthews & Julia
Blackshear Kosatka
Format: Short-story/erotica -- Crossover
Year Written: 1997
Fanfic? Yes. X-Files &
Is it archived? Yes, at:
and at
Brief synopsis: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are
temporarily assigned to the Violent Crimes Task Force in Atlanta to help
Sam Waters, Bailey Malone, and the rest of the VCTF try to track down the
serial killer known as "Jack of All Trades". Things get tense when a
member from each team is discovered to be missing and the rest of the crew
has to figure out what happened to them before it's too late.
Warning: Contains graphic sexuality (M/F
Malone/Scully, if you really need to know...)
Title of work: In the Dark
Author: Kellie Matthews & Julia Blackshear Kosatka
Format: Novella (crossover)
Year Written: 1995
Fanfic? Yes, X-Files, Highlander, & Star Trek:
The Next Generation crossover
Is it archived? Yes, at several sites:
Or, via
You'll have to go to the pre-1996 archive and find it alphabetically.
Brief synopsis: This is a two-part story connected by
a couple of common threads. In the first part, Mulder and Scully investigate
a serial killer who uses a sword, and get some unexpected answers. Duncan MacLeod
has to avenge the deaths of friends, and meets a woman who is more than she
seems. In the second part, Duncan meets the crew of the Enterprise, and resolves
the mystery begun in the first half, and finds that old friends can be *very*
NOTE: I'm not sure exactly how big this is, but it's big! This
story is available in both a PG-13 and an NC-17 (Warning: contains graphic m/f sexuality)
version at the HL-FIC archive (see above).
Title of work: Into the Light
Author: Kellie Matthews & Julia Blackshear Kosatka
Format: Short-story/erotica (crossover)
Year Written: 1995
Fanfic? Yes. Highlander, & Star Trek: The Next
Generation crossover
Is it archived? via
You'll have to go to the pre-1996 archive and find it alphabetically.
Brief synopsis: Methos, Duncan, and Guinan discover a
long-lost Immortal secret. This is a sequel to "In the Dark".
Warning: NC-17. Contains graphic polyamorous sexuality (m/f/m).
Title of work: Daybreak
Author: Kellie Matthews & Julia Blackshear Kosatka
Format: Short-story/erotica (crossover)
Year Written: 1995
Fanfic? Yes. Highlander, & Star Trek: The Next
Generation crossover
Is it archived? via
You'll have to go to the pre-1996 archive and find it alphabetically.
Brief synopsis: Methos and Duncan resolve an issue left
unresolved in "Into the Light". This is a sequel to "In the Dark" and "Into
the Light".
Warning: NC-17 Contains graphic homoerotic (m/m) content.
Email me at:
kelliedru at